ConstructPro ERP Basic
Enhance The Overall Agility And Operational Performance Of Your Infrastructure Project
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There are many instances when SME infrastructure developer has to go through a lot of challenges like project management, client management, financial management etc. which cannot be solved by the mere traditional technology. Therefore considering the requirements and challenges in the infrastructure industry, Ennovations has launched the robust ERP software for Infrastructure Industry i.e. ConstructPro ERP Basic V.18.2 for SME Infrastructure. ConstructPro ERP Basic is web-based and cloud-based ConstructPro ERP software that solves the challenges and bring the productivity in the business.
ConstructPro ERP Basic solves the following challenges of the infrastructure industry.
- Timely completion of projects.
- Managing projects within targeted costs.
- Inventory control.
- Tender and bid management.
- Site management.
Ennovations helps business to optimize processes and enhance revenue.

ERP Admin
- Creates Master setup for companies.
- Create users and manage password.
- Define statutory setup for companies.
- Manages your financial day to day activity.
- Manages your Chart of Accounts (COA), GL, AP and AR.
- Generates reports such as Ledgers, Bank Reconciliation, Trail Balance, P & L and Balance Sheet
- Manages all Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Goods Receiving, Goods Issuing and Bills etc.
- Manages all Service Order (W.O.), Service Receiving against Service Order and Bills etc.
- Generates reports such as Stock Report, Purchase Register and Service Register etc.
Project Engineering
- Plan and control all WBS, Budgets, Progress and Costing Information.
- Enable visibility into project budgets and forecasts to determine overall Financial health.
- Generate real time and accurate reports such as Bar Chart, Progress and Project Costing.
Client Management
- Manage all your project clients, contracts, mobilization amount, Measurement, RA bill and revenue.
- Generate revenue, simplify your client RA Bill, improve your cash flow, and measure the performance and profitability of your contract projects.
- Manage and Create RA Bill from detail measurement (JMR) with retention, WCT, Service tax etc.
- Generate reports such as Proposed Bar Chart, RA Bills, Receivables etc.
To Do Task
- Create and organize tasks, Assign task, and optimize productivity.
- Get Notified when task assigned by others.
- Your tasks are always where you need them- on your phone, table and web browser.
- Streamline your business activities and process with ERP for Infrastructure.
- ConstructPro ERP software helps to monitor the project schedule with the bar chart.
- Faster sales with system generated a proposal.
- Monitor cost on the material, labour and equipment.
- Integrated financial management with all modules.
- Integrated e-file management with all modules.

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